Browse through our client's previous results for social ads, strategy and email marketing with us.​

39 Degrees

Email Marketing 

> 71% Increase of Open Rate within 4 weeks from commencing partnership.

> 173.30% Campaign Purchase Value within 4 weeks of commencing partnership.

Average Open rate at 55.% with the industry average at 22%

Social Ads 

Traffic >46% within 4 weeks of working together

75% increase in renvenue within 4 weeks of working together

Conversion rate increase of 22% within 4 weeks of working together

Returning customer rate increase of 5% within working together

Melbourne Lash & Co

Email Marketing 
> 50% Increase of Open Rate within 4 weeks from commencing partnership.
Average order increase by 45%
Average open rate at 39% where industry average sits at 22%

Social Ads 
>60% ROAS within first month together.
400% increase in revenue.
>37% in website traffic
>26% Returning Customer rate
Returning customer rate 60% and industry standard is 20-30%
4.7% conversion rate industry standard 2-4%

Content Strategy 
Organic reach increased by 1.9%
IG Engagement >4.5%